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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Getting to Goal

This morning we had a "dry run" of the first module for the community "group visit" - the topic was identifying your goal. The idea is that patients need to think deeply about why it is they want to be in the WW program. Wanting to lose weight is not good enough - patients would need to be quite explicit on why they'd want to lose weight and what exactly it is they want to achieve by getting the pounds off. They also need to recognize potential barriers and plan strategies on how to overcome these.

The community team came up with a fantastic script - very well thought through, lots of interaction, great ideas - now we need a couple of pilot sessions to see how things flow, but I am confident that this group visit will make a big difference as we proceed with restructuring the WW program towards delivering effective bariatric care.

Great job everyone! Looking forward to the next "modules",


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